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Institutional & Religion

Highlands Chapel


Legazpi City, Albay

Plot Area:

2,822 SQM




Floor Area:



2,193 SQM

Design Development

The proposed site for the chapel is at the lower part of the site in a valley. Instead of making the chapel highly visible, in order to distinguish a separation from the nearby amusement park, the chapel is instead concealed and sunken with the dense vegetation of the forest.

Upon parking, the approach to the chapel follows the four stages of Penance. The intention is a journey from the entry point where one starts as sinful and repentant. Once the users reach the chapel structure itself at the end of the journey, they are to feel cleansed and purified before the mass service.

The form of the chapel itself was intended to be pure and simple in shape. The continuous curve’s geometry is informed by numbers taken from the Bible as illustrated above. The result is an elliptical floor plan with irregular seating arranged from the site’s contour topography.

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